Lobby, Reception, Showroom and Hospitality Room Remodel
After the two Premier divisions of Shaw Industries - Anderson Hardwood and Tuftex Carpet and Rugs had merged, we needed to remodel the lobby and reception area to give it the new brand look and feel. I purchased furniture, mirrors, pillows as well as vases, plants, succulents and flowers to soften and bring color to the space. Created various graphics for the walls to showcase the brands and envelop the visitors with the beauty of the products as soon as they entered the facility. I worked with one of the  vendors to create the Anderson Tuftex outdoor sign.
The showroom also needed a new look as well as a method of presenting the new product lines and collections of both hardwood and carpet together to the dealers who would visit the mill to learn about the products and view the production of carpet. During my research, I saw an interesting decorative “wall” at a furniture store and discussed with one of our display companies a way to make shelving units that would simulate the design of this piece and would hold heavy hardwood and carpet sample vehicles. The wall shelving was created. I collaborated with management to decorate the rest of the showroom and hospitality room.

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